Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Hi everyone,

Welcome to my blog!

For a long time now, people have been asking me to write about my experiences with horses and I am hoping this will be a good way for me to do that, sharing my stories, experiences, and hopefully helping promote my small business, while I'm at it.

So, here is a bit of an introduction.

From my early experiences with horses, I started to notice that I had a certain gift, I could sense something unseen about the horses I came into contact with.   I do not know if this is because I am legally blind, so I'm using all my other senses, or if God has granted me a very special gift.   I like to think it is a combination of both, but I give the credit to God giving me this sense.

So, what is it that I sense in these horses?   It is hard to put it into words, but I have an uncanny ability of knowing, especially with Thoroughbreds destined for the race track, who is going to end up being a good runner.   Of course, injury or other bad luck could change this, as I can't foresee those circumstances, but if the horse is taken care of, remains sound, healthy, etc, I tend to be right in my "sense" in them.

You might think this sounds silly, however, I have heard of many different theories when trying to determine if a young Thoroughbred is going to be a good race horse or not, some of which are very strange, others are more mainstream, they vary from using any number of theories when looking at a horse's pedigree, to looking at heart size, ear shape, amount or types of white markings, how big a horse is at a certain age, you name it, most people have tried to forsee the future and tried in a countless number of ways, some of these being more accurate than others.

I do know this, God is real, and I truly believe he has given me this gift and I know that, so far, I have been fairly accurate in my judging of young Thoroughbreds as to whether they will be successful or not.   I just need to lay my hands on them, spending a few minutes with them, and I just "know" something about them.   I can walk down a barn aisle, pet horses over a fence, or walk into a field of young horses and I'm just automatically drawn to certain horses.   This has happened to me on many farms and I will write about my experiences on this blog.

I am hoping to use this gift to help support my family, I think it is time to put my gift to use.   I am looking for some people willing to test me or give me a try, and if I am as accurate as I claim, to help me spread the word of my special gift.

At the least, I hope this blog is entertaining as I write about my experiences, mostly with Thoroughbreds, but there will be some about other breeds I have come into contact with, and I'll share those stories about those special horses, too.

So, sit back and enjoy reading my stories and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

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